Posted by Unknown on 7:08 AM

An Original Graphic Novel
"Reed has always been very unconventional. He doesn’t go after the quick and easy story but rather he
tells stories his way. They might not be best-sellers, but they are of a quality that outdoes most other writers."--Mania.com

Set in the dramatic days before the American Revolution, a masked avenger seeks to maintain justice in the small sea-port town of Seaton.  As the British seek to clamp down on the smugglers, only The Scarecrow and his Freedom Riders can stand for the townspeople against the tyranny of the new commandant of the town...one who threatens to destroy the entire population in order to catch the Scarecrow!                                         

Written by: Gary Reed
Art by Wayne Reid

From the review by Tim Jansen.
"With Murder of Scarecrows we get a pre-Revolutionary War tale of adventure along the lines of Robin Hood or Zorro. In the seaport town of Season, the mysterious masked Scarecrow and his Freedom Riders terrorize the British soldiers who prey upon the citizens of the small town. When the King sends in the hard-nosed Colonel Dreymore to bring the Scarecrow to justice, he tries to turn the townsfolk against their defender by offering a large reward. The Scarecrow knows his true identity is about to be compromised but that will not stop him in his efforts to battle the British."

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